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Guide to Spring Pest Control: Tips and Tricks

The Ultimate Guide to Spring Pest Control: Tips and Tricks

Spring is a time in the Delaware Valley when trees come to life, and warm weather triggers growth, but unfortunately, it's also a time when pests emerge from their winter hibernation and start wreaking havoc on your home and gardens. With the right spring pest control techniques, and starting now, you can protect your property and keep it pest-free.

Evans Pest Control is usually extra busy this time of year, starting pest control for the spring and summer months ahead. If you can take preventative measures now, pests find it more difficult to establish a foothold as summer approaches. In this spring pest control guide, we'll share our top tips and tricks for effective spring pest control. From identifying common spring pests to preventing infestations and managing existing ones.

Identifying Common Spring Pests
The first step in effective spring pest control is identifying the pests that are most likely to cause you trouble.
Some common spring pests include:
1. Ants - These tiny insects are attracted to food and water and can quickly build a colony in your home.
2. Termites - These destructive pests can cause extensive damage to wooden structures, including furniture and buildings.
3. Mosquitoes - Mosquitoes breed in standing water, making them a common problem during the spring and summer months.
4. Bees and Wasps - These stinging insects can be dangerous if they build a nest on your property, especially if you or someone in your family is allergic.
5. Spiders - While most spiders are harmless, some species can be poisonous and pose a threat to humans.
6. Cockroaches – A persistent threat in urban areas like Philadelphia, and common all over. When brought into an environment with moisture, food, and places to hide, they breed quickly.
7. The Spotted Lanternfly – This planthopper is not indigenous to these parts and causes significant damage to plants.
8. Ticks - This scary parasite is tiny this time of year and hard to spot.
9. Flies - Flying bugs and insects can be harmless, or they can be venomous disease-carrying pests.

Preventing Infestations
Preventing pest infestations is key to effective spring pest control. Here are some tips to keep pests from entering your property:
1. Seal up cracks and holes: Inspect your home for any cracks, gaps, or holes in the walls, foundation, and roof, and seal them up with caulk, weather stripping, metal door sweeps, and sealants. This will help prevent pests from entering your home.
2. Clean up debris: Clear away any piles of debris, such as leaves, wood, or garbage, from around your home, as they can attract pests. Keep your yard clean and well-maintained.
3. Store food properly: Keep all food, including pet food, in airtight containers, and make sure to clean up any spills or crumbs promptly. Pests are attracted to food, so removing their food source can help deter them.
4. Fix leaks: Fix any leaks in your home, both inside and outside, as pests are attracted to water sources. Make sure to fix leaky faucets, pipes, and gutters.
5. Install screens: Install screens on doors and windows to keep pests out while still allowing fresh air in. Make sure to repair any tears or holes in the screens.
6. Call the Evans Pest Control professionals: If you're still having problems with pests, call a pest control professional to assess the situation and recommend the best course of action.

Managing Existing Infestations
If you already have a pest infestation, don't worry. There are steps you can take to manage and take control of the problem.
Here are some steps you can take to manage existing pest infestations:
1. Identify the type of pest: Before you can effectively control pests, you need to identify the type of pest you're dealing with. This will help you determine the best approach to control them.
2. Remove food sources: Pests are attracted to food, so it's important to remove any food sources that may be attracting them. This includes cleaning up spills and crumbs, storing food in airtight containers, and taking out the garbage regularly.
3. Seal entry points: Pests can enter your home or workplace through tiny cracks and gaps. Seal these entry points to prevent pests from getting in. You can use caulk or weatherstripping to seal gaps around windows and doors can be fitted with metal door sweeps. Use wire mesh to cover larger holes.
4. Use pesticides: Pesticides can be effective in controlling pests, but they should be used with caution. Always read the label and follow the instructions carefully. If you're unsure about how to use a pesticide, consult the experts at Evans Pest Control. Your neighborhood pest control professional has on sale at their store, a selection of professional quality pest control products available. View our select of DIY pest control products.
5. Use traps: Traps can be an effective way to control pests without using pesticides. There are a variety of traps available, including sticky traps, live traps, and snap traps.
6. Call a pest control professional: If you're unable to control the pest infestation on your own, or if the infestation is severe, it's best to call a pest control professional. They have the knowledge and experience to effectively control pests and can provide advice on how to prevent future infestations.

Before you can effectively control pests, you need to identify the type of pest you’re dealing with. Different pests require different treatment methods, so it’s essential to know what you’re up against. Common pests during spring include ants, termites, mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, and rodents.

The best way to control pests is to prevent them from entering your home. Seal any gaps or cracks in your doors and windows, and make sure that screens are intact. Evans Pest Control can install door sweeps that are effective and deterring rodents from crawling under doors. Store food in airtight containers and keep your home clean and clutter-free. Trim any branches or shrubs that come in contact with your home, as these can serve as a bridge for pests to enter.

Standing water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes, so eliminate any standing water in your yard. Fix any leaks in your outdoor faucets and ensure that gutters are free of debris. Trim any overgrown vegetation in your yard, as this can provide a breeding ground for other pests like rodents and ticks.

If you’re looking for a more natural approach to pest control, there are several options available. Essential oils like peppermint, lavender, and eucalyptus can repel pests like ants and mosquitoes. Diatomaceous earth is an effective treatment for fleas and ticks, and it’s safe for pets and humans.

If natural remedies aren’t effective, chemical treatments may be necessary. It’s essential to use caution when using pesticides, as they can be harmful to pets and humans. Always follow the instructions carefully, and keep the area ventilated. If you’re not comfortable using chemicals, consider hiring a professional pest control service.

Rodents like mice and rats can cause significant damage to your home and carry diseases. To control rodents, seal any gaps or cracks in your home’s foundation and keep your home clean and clutter-free. Set traps or use bait stations in areas where rodents are active.

Spring pest control is essential for maintaining a healthy and pest-free home. If you can prevent the spring surge in pest infiltration to your home, you can prevent a big problem in summer. Pests tend to establish a foothold, either inside, or outside, and then breed to expand their presence through the summer months. By identifying the pests, preventing entry, eliminating breeding sites, using natural remedies, and employing chemical treatments, when necessary, you can effectively control pests. Remember to always follow safety guidelines when using pesticides and consider consulting a professional like Evans Pest Control is a good idea if you’re not comfortable using chemicals.

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