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What Are Bed Bugs Attracted To?

Bed bugs are notoriously hard to get rid of. They're small, they can hide in any crevice or crack, and they can live for months on just a few drops of blood. That said, there are still things you can do to make your home less hospitable to bed bugs and more likely to prevent infestations in the future.

Bed bugs are attracted to heat.

Bed bugs are attracted to body heat. The insect has a preference for human blood, but it can survive on the blood of other warm-blooded animals such as dogs and cats.

The bed bug is a parasite that feeds on humans and other warm-blooded animals. It prefers to feed on people, but it will also feed on pets. Bed bugs live in cracks and crevices near their host's sleeping area, or they hide in luggage, furniture, or clothing when they're not feeding.

Bed bugs are nocturnal and tend to hide during the day. They are often found in hotel rooms or substandard housing where they have access to a large supply of food (in this case, you). Bed bugs do not transmit disease but can cause itchy bites that may lead to secondary infections if scratched.

Bed bugs are attracted to carbon dioxide.

Bed bugs are attracted to carbon dioxide. That’s why they will follow you into a room or car and then attack.

While there is some debate about how much carbon dioxide we exhale, it is believed that bed bugs are attracted to the scent of CO2 that comes from our breath. And it turns out that our bodies produce more CO2 when we are sleeping — so bed bugs will be drawn to your bed at night.

Bed bugs are also attracted to heat and movement, so if you sleep with your mouth open or move around a lot in your sleep, you may be giving them a signal that there is a human nearby that they can feed on.

Bed bugs are attracted to dirty laundry.

Bed bugs love dirty laundry! If you leave your clothes lying around, they will find them and start to live in them. They can fit into tiny spaces and make themselves comfortable.

You can't see bed bugs unless they get hungry, so they'll wait until they have a chance to feed on human blood before they come out of hiding. It's best not to leave clothes lying around on the floor or on furniture where they can hide. When you're done with clothes that have been worn for a long time, wash them immediately in hot water before putting them into the hamper or washing machine.

Bed bugs are attracted to dark spaces.

Bed bugs are attracted to dark places, such as bedding and mattresses. They prefer to hide in cracks and crevices during the day, but they will come out at night to feed on human blood. Therefore, it is important to check your mattress and sheets for evidence of bed bugs before you go to sleep. If you have found signs of bed bugs, contact Evans Pest Control immediately!

If you want to know what attracts bed bugs, here's what we know:

They're attracted to warmth and carbon dioxide (CO2), so they tend to gather near your head when you sleep at night. This is why it's important not only to inspect your mattress and box spring for signs of an infestation but also around the baseboards of your bedroom or any other room where you spend a lot of time sleeping or relaxing. Bed bugs are also attracted by movement—so if you have kids or pets who run around when they get up in the morning or late at night, that could be contributing to the problem.

Evans Pest Control provides several effective and safe treatments for Bed Bug problems. We are available to have a conversation with you to discuss options. We also provide an extensive line of
Do-It-Yourself products available at our store, just of I95 at the Allegheny exit. Give us a call (267) 582-2687

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