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Winter Rats In Philadelphia

Rats Are Philadelphia’s Scourge

Rats are not glamorous creatures. They’re not cute, or even particularly nice to look at, but they do happen to be one of the most common pests in Philadelphia. Rats are often associated with urban environments, but their presence is also common in rural areas too. In fact, rats can be found just about anywhere where there is an easy food source and cover from predators. The kinds of foods that rats like best include cereals and grains, nuts, and seeds as well as fruit from trees or gardens; these foods are often thrown away by humans since they have gone bad or spoiled. Rats will also eat insects and other small animals such as mice if they can get their hands on them which makes them especially dangerous because they could transmit diseases such as salmonella by biting humans while dining on raw meat products which contain harmful bacteria that can make us very sick!

Rats Will Nest Inside For The Winter

In the winter, rats will nest inside. They prefer to nest in dark places, like your basement, or attic. Rats will look for warm, dry spaces that are easy to access so they can get out of the cold weather and stay safe from predators.
Rats typically build nests with materials like straw, twigs, or cloth (like a rag). These nests will not be visible unless you see a rat run into your wall cavity or see evidence of their nesting activity such as droppings or chewed up wood.
Charles Evans Did a short talk recently about Rat, and Rodent control techniques, that can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ls_LWsqApMw

Rats And Mice Could Be In Your Home Right Now

Rats and mice are common in Philadelphia. They are nocturnal animals, meaning they like to live under the cover of darkness, coming out at night to forage for food or shelter. These pests can fit through openings as small as a quarter inch, which makes them an easy target for infiltration into your home if you don’t take care of the problem promptly. Evans Pest Control likes to utilize rodent intrusion barriers, like metal door sweeps, and metal intrusion materials that can fill small gaps. The rodents cut up their mouths trying to gnaw through this material and back off..

If you think rats or mice may be entering your home through larger holes—like broken windows or doors—you should check these areas first and repair any structural damage that is contributing to infestation. For smaller holes like gaps around pipes, vents, and other openings where rats could get through easily, sealing them will keep out unwanted pests!

Rats Like To Burrow In Soffits, Basements, And Wall Voids

Rats like to burrow in soffits, basements, and wall voids. These are all dark places that are warm. Rats can also nest in attics if they have access through holes or gaps in the roof or walls. A rat's nest is often a pillow-shaped mass of shredded paper, twigs, leaves, and other plant material that is piled up on a shelf or ledge where it can be clearly seen from below (or above).

If you see an obvious rat nest, then chances are that there are many more rats living nearby:

  • Rats will eat anything! They commonly scavenge for garbage, but they also eat pet food left outside or anything else they find edible (including dead animals).
  • If a rat smells food, then it is going to quickly find its way into your home! It's important not only to store food properly but also keep your kitchen clean so as not to attract these pests.

What Does A Rat Burrow Look Like?

A burrow is the place where a rat lives. If you see any of the following signs, you may have rats living nearby:

  • Look for holes in your yard, garage, or basement. Rats don't dig big holes—they make small tunnels and then push dirt back over their entrance. The best way to see if there are any holes on your property is to look at night with a flashlight (or wait until it's dark outside).
  • Look for rat droppings around those same areas. If you do find droppings, be sure that they're really rat droppings before jumping to conclusions! A lot of other animals leave poop behind them too (like squirrels), so check out my guide on how to tell if it's really rodent poop here: https://www.evanspestmgmt.com/blog/What-Is-Contributing-To-This-Rat-Problem/301
  • Look for nests made from leaves, hay, and other soft materials—these are usually found near the burrows themselves and can contain up to 10 rats at once! You'll know what kind of nest it is because there'll be lots of marks from gnawing on twigs and branches...and most likely some dead mice or other animals inside as well!

Getting Rid Of Rats Is Not A DIY Job

If you have rats in your home or business, it's important to hire a professional exterminator as soon as possible to get rid of them. It's not something that can be easily done on your own and it's not something that should be taken lightly. Rats are public health hazards, carrying diseases such as typhus, leptospirosis and salmonella. They also damage property by chewing through electrical wiring and insulation which is dangerous for people living or working nearby. If you see signs of rats in your home or business (they're often found around garbage cans), contact us immediately so we can come out and help get rid of these unwanted guests effectively!

Rats Must Be Controlled By Professionals, Here’s Why

Rats, mice, and squirrels can be controlled by professional pest control companies like Evans Pest Control. Effective rat control requires professional with years of training in the behavioral patterns of rats, employing successful principles of rat control developed over decades.

Signs Of Rats Include Droppings, Nests, Gnaw Marks And Sounds

If you see multiple droppings, they are likely from rats. Droppings can easily be mistaken for mouse droppings, as mice and rats have some similar characteristics. However, if you are seeing large quantities of rat droppings in an area that has not been treated before, this is a good indication that there are rats in the home.

Nests: Rats like to build nests inside walls and ceilings; this is especially true for young ones who need a place to rest during their first months of life. Nests are often found in areas where there is an abundance of food items or clutter on the floor that provides comfort and protection from predators such as cats and dogs. If you notice a large amount of nesting material (such as shredded paper) near your kitchen cabinets but no other food sources available nearby, it's possible that these rodents have made their homes behind them!

What To Do If You See Droppings

If you find a rat dropping, don't panic. First and foremost, do not touch it. It's best to leave the dropping where it is and call a professional to deal with it—and if you have young children or pets in your home, make sure they stay clear of the area as well.

If you notice that there are droppings on surfaces like floors or walls (which is common), try using a high-pressure sprayer or hose to wash away the feces before removing them with paper towels. If these measures don't work or aren't possible for whatever reason, disinfectant can be used instead; make sure any cleaning solution used is diluted at least 50:50 so as not to damage carpets or other materials during its use.

Rats Move Indoors For The Winter

In the winter, rats seek shelter from the cold and move indoors to find warmth. They are also looking for food, water, and other necessities of life. Rats will certainly even attempt to go into your home looking for a mate.

Rats are not hibernators like some animals in colder climates; instead, they adapt their behavior so that they can stay active during all four seasons. This means that during the winter months when temperatures drop below freezing at night or if there is too much snow on the ground to get out safely then they will seek shelter inside buildings such as homes or businesses where there is heat running through pipes under floors which keep them warm enough not to freeze until morning comes again soon enough after sunrise when then these furry mammals start searching again after finding nothing left behind by humans who came before them (except maybe some crumbs).

Evict Your Rats

If you need to get rid of rats, the first step is to call in the professionals at Evans Pest Control. These professionals are licensed and trained in rodent control and can help you devise a plan that's right for your home and family.

The professional will first inspect your house, looking for signs of rats (droppings, tracks in dust or dirt) as well as possible entry points (holes chewed through walls or ceilings). They'll also make sure all food sources are stored in sealed containers. Once the inspection is complete, Evans Pest Control will create a safe plan for removing rodents from your home. This plan may include installing traps around your house (to catch new invaders), setting down pet safe bait stations (which can kill existing pests as well as prevent future infestations), performing regular inspections to measure the presence and frequency of rodent presence.

Evans Pest Control Rodent Solutions

You should never attempt to trap and kill a rat on your own. Rats are evolved to evade capture and are dangerous when threated. They are difficult to catch safely. They are very dangerous animals that will bite if you get too close. If you think that you have rats in your home or business, contact Evans Pest Control immediately. We will be able to provide effective rodent control.

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